Improving Your Facebook FanPage
Once you’ve set up your Facebook fan page you might think you’re done but there’s still a lot more work to do. You may get a few Likes at first but the goal here is to continue gaining momentum and continuing to spread the word.
Spreading the word
Now that your fan page is set up Facebook walks you through a few steps. First thing Facebook Highlights is the “Like” button. Liking your fan page shares the “Like” with your other Facebook account’s timeline. Which starts the process of building support for your fan page. It spreads the word to all of your other accounts friends. Another option Facebook gives you is emailing your friends to let them know about your new fan page. Whichever way you like to spread the word, do it. Sadly, for most of us the only people that will spread the word for you is you and your mom, so it’s on you to spread the word about your art. Don’t forget to add a Facebook like button on your blog and webpage. Join art related Facebook groups and share your page with them. And finally, “Like” other artist’s fan pages. You never know they may like you back.
Paying Facebook to spread the word for you
Facebook does offer a service that for a fee they will get viewers to your page by advertising your posts or your page. When you run your ad or sponsored story on Facebook, they only charge you for the number of clicks you receive. When I set up my fan page I was shown a drop-down with 4 pricing options. Each were on a per day basis and ranged from $5 to $20 a day. The amount that you pay will never be more than your daily or lifetime budget and there are no additional fees associated with running ads or sponsored stories on Facebook. The larger your budget, the more people a campaign is likely to reach. Personally as an artist my budget for advertising is very low so I did not choose any of these options. I certainly don’t want to dissuade anyone from using this service so if you’re interested this option can be found in the admin panel which we will talk about in a little bit.
Cover Image
Next, I created a cover image in PhotoShop and uploaded it. I would suggest creating an image that highlights some of your work and says what the page is about. Once you’ve created this image or just want to move forward with an existing image click the “Add a cover” button found in the lower right-hand corner where the cover page image will appear. Now click on “Upload Photo.” Upload the banner image you’ve selected. Adjust the image’s placement and click save changes. Wilson Wiliams made a wonderful template for the cover photo showing you the live area. Check it out.
Content, content, content
Now it’s time to start creating content for your fan page. Highlight an old blog post, share a piece of art you’re working on or just make a post welcoming your fans. What ever you feel like talking about. The key here is creating content for your perspective followers. You want your fans to enjoy your content enough that they begin sharing it themselves.
Your Admin Panel
Lastly, check your Admin Panel regularly. The thing about your fan page is your fans want to know about you. Your admin panel gives you updates on everything that’s been going on on your fan page. It lets you know who’s sent you a notification or Message. Don’t forget to use the three subcategories found at the top of the admin panel to improve your page. Under the “Edit Page” tab you will be able to update info, manage permissions, Admin Roles (Add administrators), Manage Notifications, See your activity log, and see banned users. The second tab in is “Build Audience”. In the drop down you will be able to email your contacts. The third and final tab his help, which is pretty self explanatory.
There you have it. How to manage your Facebook fan page. Remember these steps and hopefully your fan page will turn into a thriving community. I’m sure it takes a lot of work, but I just started my own fan page so I’ll let you know what it takes to get to superstar status, when I get there myself. If you’d like to check out my Norm Grock fan page it can be found here. If you found this post helpful or have something to add let us know in the comments. Good luck.
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