Character Design 2 With Stephen Silver Lesson 1 Homework
A few weeks ago I started taking an online class, Character Design 2 with Stephen Silver. I took Character Design 1 and got a lot of good information out of it, So here I go with the 2nd class. I’m going to be showing off all the assignments I create as I go through the 9 week course. Once I’m done with the class I will write a post with my thoughts on character design 2.
The first assignment I was given was to create a cowboy character in my personal style. Mr. Silver’s first class was about looking for good control of positive and negative space,avoiding the “latter”, strong shape variation, and he wanted us to add lines showing how I applied the golden mean. He only wanted us to design one character but since I’m taking this class as a self-taught class I decided to design three characters.
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