Fix Missing Images from Post on Facebook
While working on OnceUponASketch we are constantly posting our articles and posts to Facebook and any other number of social networks. When you post a link on Facebook it usually goes to the link and finds images that it then gives you the option of displaying in association with your post. Sometimes when we post to Facebook we have a problem getting the images associated with an article to show up. Also at times the link seems to be broken and won’t connect though the link is correct. Here is how you fix this problem!
The Facebook Debugger!
To use the Facebook Debugger you simply follow the above link.
Enter the link to your post and the debugger will search it out.
After it searches your link it will deliver back to you information on what it finds.
It will also list possible reasons the link may not work and things you may need to fix. However, generally just entering your link into the debugger is sufficient to correct the reasons that your link isn’t displaying properly.
Debugging the link usually fixes the issues Facebook may be having with it. After debugging you simply need to try posting the link again to Facebook. If it still doesn’t work then the information returned after debugging may prove useful in troubleshooting the problem. Enjoy!
This post was originally written on Once Upon a Sketch by Wilson Wiliams Jr.
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