WDD091009 – Good informational Podcasts for illustrators
Here are a few of my favorite podcasts I listen to each week. Good information for any level illustrator. http://escapefromillustrationisland.com/category/podcast/ http://illustrationparty.blogspot.com/
WDD090909 – Sweet contest "Mail me art"
I guess one of the few ways to get your name out there is contests and here is one i’m thinking of submitting something too. It sounds like a lot of fun. http://mailmeart.com/going-postal/
WDD090809 – My Favorite artist blogs
Here are 5 of my favorites artist on the blogosphere http://danidraws.com/blog/ http://gurihiru.blogspot.com/ http://britsketch.blogspot.com/ http://gotcheeks.blogspot.com/ http://erwinmadrid.blogspot.com/
WDD090409 – Unused Packing Concept
Here is a project I illustrated for KC and was never used.
WDD090309 – Amulet Book 2 StoneKeepers curse
I just got Amulet Book 2 – StoneKeepers curse and I can’t wait to start reading it. Book report maybe coming soon.
WDD090209 – Mouse Guard – Winter of 1152
I just finished reading the 2nd hardcover of Mouse Guard – Winter of 1152 and I must say it was awesome. David Peterson stepped his game up with his latest 6 issues. His writing drawing and coloring are top notch. You can get a preview here at http://www.mouseguard.net/winter1152/index.htm I would say this is a must […]