Process for creating a book cover: Legend of Halloween
In this post I’m going to walk you through my process for creating a book cover. A self-publishing author, Thea Berg, approached me to do a cover in her book series The Magical World of Sebella. The first book cover was illustrated by Wilson Williams, Jr. who sadly passed away last year. So I thought […]
What I wish I knew before starting out as an artist?
When I first began as an artist I wish I had known the benefits of sharing. Sharing your art and knowledge is one of the most important things an artist can do to build a following for themselves. Putting your artwork up where others can see it and getting feedback is the best way to […]
Painting the Legend of Halloween Book cover
Thea Berg, writer of the Magical World of Sebella book series, commission me to illustrate the Book cover for her second book in this series. Thea was gracious enough to allow me to share my process with you. This is a sped up video showing my coloring process for creating the color cover.
HardLander Graphics
I’ve been helping out a buddy with his indy game. It’s got some super fun multiplayer built into it and I’ve been lucky enough to help him out with the graphics for it.